Beware of newspapers lying on the road
If you are driving in Malaysia , do take note of the advice below.
Please pass this onto yr friends.. Avoid driving over newspapers
strewn on the road It would appear that this technique has reached
Malaysia from Indonesia .
Life here is getting more like in Indonesia these days. This story
which was circulated to me reminds me of the traps set in certain
parts of Jakarta by robbers.. Some people have lost their lives over
this. They drive into certain lonely roads in Jakarta to find pieces
of wood with nails in them on the road. This causes their tyres to go
flat. If they get out of their cars, they are set upon by robbers who
will take everything: their cars, wallets, anything valuable and
sometimes their lives.
Avoid driving over newspapers strewn on the Road a new trap set by
Robbers. This incident happened some where in KL and forwarded to me
by a friend..
This person was driving alone at night when he saw newspapers lying
around in the middle of the road. Without giving it much thought, he
drove pass the stack of papers. No one would expect to find heaps of
rocks and stones beneath the papers!! Wanting to know the damage to
his car, he stopped to check.
Need I say more? The moment he got out of his car, he was robbed by a
group of guys and lost his properties/belongings. Just imagine what
would have happen if this had happen to a girl/woman....
So folks, please be careful, do not stop when you're driving alone at
night no matter what ! Avoid driving over the papers if you see
newspapers lying on the road, this could be a new trick for the
desperate fraternity out there...........!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
bahaya kut T__T
Posted by mAd~TAU^^ at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Orang Islam Tak PerLu DiSusun...^^
(Aku bersaksi bahawa tidak ada yang patut disembah

Posted by mAd~TAU^^ at 6:55 AM 1 comments
lepashkan aja ^^
Seorang guru memegang segelas air dan bertanya
kepada anak muridnya. “Berapa beratkah air ni?”
“10 ml!” “15ml!”, “50ml!” “100ml!”
Murid-murid menjawab.
Bagus! tetapi saya sendiri tidak pasti berapa berat
air ni kerana saya tidak menimbangnya. Ok
bagaimana kalau saya memegang gelas ini selama seminit?
“Tiada apa-apa!” Murid menjawab
Kalau saya memegang selama setengah jam?
“Tangan lenguh!” Murid menjawab,
Ok adakah berat gelas ini berubah, bertambah berat misalnya?
“Tidak!” murid menjawab.
Ok bagaimana pula kalau saya memegang setengah hari?
“Tangan cikgu boleh kebas dan kena hantar ke hospital kerana
lumpuh”, salah seorang murid menjawab diikuti dengan
gelak ketawa satu kelas.
Guru tersenyum, “Bagus! Hmm bagaimana pula kalau saya
pegang cawan ni satu hari? dua hari? seminggu? setahun?”
Murid-murid mula pening, gilo ker apo?
Ok kalau macam tu bagaimana nak mengelakkan saya
dimasukkan ke hospital?
“Lepaskan sahaja gelas itu!”
Ya , itulah jawapan yang saya cari. Begitulah ibarat dengan
masalah yang kita hadapi. Kita masih bertahan jika kita
menanggung beban satu masalah itu dalam masa yang
singkat tetapi kalau masalah itu dibawa ke satu masa
yang lama, ia akan menjadi berat walau pun sebenarnya
beratnya adalah sama.
Jadi setiap masalah yang kita hadapi tu janganlah dibawa,
segala masalah hendaklah diselesaikan atau dilupakan
selewat-lewatnya sebelum kita tidur supaya masalah itu tidak
menghantui kita keesokan harinya. Jadi pada setiap pagi kita
bangun otak kita jadi fresh dan bersedia menghadapi hari baru
dengan lebih ceria dan penuh semangat.
Ini dapat mengelakkan stress dan kemurungan yang
silap-silap boleh menyebabkan kita ke hospital sakit jiwa
“Lepaskan sahaja gelas itu!”
Posted by mAd~TAU^^ at 6:38 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 17, 2011
make the best what u having it now^^
A Birth Certificate shows that we were born A Death Certificate shows that we died Pictures show that we live! Have a seat. Relax . . . And read this slowly. |
Posted by mAd~TAU^^ at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
lesson from cikgu^^
Posted by mAd~TAU^^ at 6:29 AM 0 comments