Saturday, October 3, 2009

to IZAT^^


Wah  baru sebulan mebulis blog dah ada kawan mintak tolong ajar
walaupun sya tidak semahir LUQMAN HAKIM........................
tapi sya harus memenuhi hajat kawan saya seorang ni
( X -gama yan)

the main point is you must know
the TYPE of your blog
if you master it you can do anything what
you want to yours blog

click pada  picture utk lihat lebih jelas
apa yang saya bulat n garis brwarna MERAH
tu yang penting k

jadi firstly kena create blog dulu
pastu sign up la................
then ikut turutan............

then if you want to add the accessories
manage the "add gadgets"

pastu klu nak import gadjet ka.............

just copy the HTML into the the HTML box

HTML bleh dicari everywhere
sebab tu us digalakan untuk visit
blog org len utk do more things to our blog

for example.................
then if we have click the widget address
we can create it HTML in their website
pastu copy paste
dalam HTML box kita( EASIEST WAYS)

If you wanna asked me ..........
or something you want to tell
just shout at my CBOX k.